Course Length: Six weeks
2024 Schedule: Wednesdays with Dr. Patrick at 11am CST/5 pm UK
About Summer Courses at Dreaming Spires
Our summer classes are great for homeschoolers who are preparing for high school in the US or exams in the UK, a chance to sample a subject before doing a deep dive for the coming year.
All courses will meet an hour weekly for six weeks. There will be the usual reliance on living books and some homework to ensure good participation, and at the end a certificate will be awarded.
About Spotlight on English: War of the Worlds
We’ll be using Wells' ground-breaking text about a Martian invasion to discover ways into classic books that can be used with any text, building up knowledge and understanding with a variety of tools, and moving into experiments with literary analysis. For those in the UK who are planning to take the English literature exam in a year or two, this book is now on the list of set texts for the Cambridge IGCSE.
Who Teaches Spotlight on English: War of the Worlds?
Dr. Kat Patrick now resides in her home state of Texas with her four children, all of whom are Dreaming Spires students. Before that, she lived for 25 years in England. Her background includes an MA from Durham (UK), a PhD from Delaware (US), and a UK PGCE teaching certificate, all in the subject of English. She continues to examine for both the Cambridge Assessment International Education and Oxford, Cambridge, RSA examinations boards for both IGCSE and A-level. Her revision guide for the English Language exam is available to purchase via Amazon.