Course Length: Full academic year (30 weeks)
This Year's Schedule: Click here to view
Who Is Spanish Level Three For?
Spanish Level Three is a course of Spanish language and Hispanic literature, history, geography and culture, taught almost exclusively in Spanish. It involves lots of spontaneous speech and discussion. Students must therefore be able to understand ordinary Spanish spoken at a natural speed and to speak Spanish spontaneously and broadly correctly, albeit with a limited range of linguistic expression. The course is approximately in line with AS level in the UK, or B1-B2 on the Common European Framework (CEFR).
This highly interactive course is suitable for intermediate students of Spanish aged 14-18 with a few years of foreign language already behind them, or a good pass at GCSE Spanish (or equivalent). It is similar in level to many Spanish 4 courses in the US, and as such, a good prelude to taking an AP course. Spanish Level Three is capped at a maximum of 8 students, and students are expected to speak Spanish in every lesson.
If you think your student may be suited to the Level Three course, please request an appointment to discuss it with the teacher by emailing dreamingspireshomelearning<at>gmail<dot>com. An evaluation paper is available for students to take if you are deciding between the Level One or Level Two courses.
Aims of the Course
Dreaming Spires Spanish courses all have two goals at their heart: to produce independent, delight-led language learners; and to inspire and equip students to speak Spanish fluently and confidently, using the language in real life and enjoying it. Everything we do in the language courses works towards the fulfillment of these goals.
Spanish Level Three has a lot in common with Dreaming Spires English literature courses, featuring living books, prose, poetry and film, weekly readings of texts, writing narrations, answering discussion questions and giving presentations (in this case, in Spanish).
It has a strong cultural dimension, as well as covering all the intermediate language elements (as in an A-level course) such as the subjunctive verbal mood. It involves a lot of speaking and discussion. It is suitable for more mature students, requiring a degree of independence and the ability to engage with the real world.
How It Supports Your Child's Education
Having successfully completed Spanish Level Three, students can expect to be ready for an additional year of AP or A-Level study before taking an AP or A-Level exam.
Who Teaches Spanish Level Three?

See all courses taught by Joel